Pictures are worth a thousand words....
If you look in the back ground you can see the metal studs all framed in and ready to be covered up. Our maintenance crew spent quite a few days stuffing insulation behind those studs to help with the heating/cooling bill.
These two pictures are of some of our Lifeguard/specialist staff (we call them S.W.A.T.) helping out by coating each piece of paneling. This took almost a whole week with close to 15 people to accomplish. Good job Guys! These planks will be going up on the walls (which you will see lower).
This is Dave. He's the Director of Maintenance. What he's holding onto is the main power lines that come in the building from the transformer out side. They had to use the backhoe and some rope to pull all those cables through only about 10 ft of conduit.
This is a view of one of the rooms with all the studs and the ceiling joists up. This room will eventually house our Day camp program during the summer.
The next couple Pictures are of the crew that will be doing our cement floors. In the back ground you can see the planks that were on the saw horses are now mostly all on the walls.
After they cleaned up the floor and prepared it, they started drawing in the lines for the basket ball courts and any other things we've asked them to put in.
This is the big meeting room (Town Hall) and smack dab in the middle is the Michindoh Conference Center Logo. We couldn't get to close because they were staining the floor when the picture was taken. Pretty neat!
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