Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wait, I thought we were done with this....

      So,  we were not quite done playing in the mud.  We had to make the foundations for the entryways.  Here you can see a couple of our crew digging holes and preping to pour cement.

  Here is our favorite way to dig hole around Michindoh.  The only problem is that we live in Central lower Michigan.  That means there are an abundance of Rocks.  You can see one just behind the auger.  That came out of this hole.  The Auger can't dig through rocks though so if we hit a big enough one,  we have to dig it out by hand.

   We wish we could say that rocks like this are rare when we are digging holes.  They are not.  We often call them 'Michindoh rocks' because we have so many of them in the ground.  That baby is heavy.  Todd here is standing up and he managed to pick it up out of the hole.

These two conduits are for a future project.  They will be empty but we ran them in the ground before we filled in the  trench in because when the time comes to use them there will be a parking lot in the way.  It may look like there are wires in them already, those are tracer wires.  When the time comes we will attach a little device to that wire and be able to find and mark the pipe under the ground.

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